We come together to learn what Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is – becoming aware of how thoughts, feelings and behaviors are related.  We learn to question beliefs that may no longer be true, but cause suffering.  Shifting these is where transformation happens. 


Over the course of two days we use drumming for its physical and mental health benefits which include reduction in stress, anxiety and depression.  It also allows us to shift into a more relaxed state for guided meditation.  Receive hands-on energy balancing and a variety of other tools to help you manage stress, get on top of anxiety and ease depression.


The retreat includes:

  •  Two full days of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy skills instruction, coaching and holistic practices to support your learning.  
  • Three  one-hour  remote follow up sessions to answer questions and provide support.
  •  A comprehensive Journey to Self Workbook.  This is a valuable resource that will serve as a handy reference guide long after our retreat has ended.
  • Enrichment exercises 



On an individual basis, the value of the services provided would be $1500.  In the group setting you receive them for less than 1/3 of the cost!